MSB2016 | Archives

The 32nd International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis (MSB 2016) has been held at Queen’s Landing in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada from April 3-7, 2016.

Conference Chairs and Plenary Speakers

The conference Chair Philip Britz-McKibbin from McMaster University organized a great conference together with conference Co-Organizers Sergey Krylov (York University) and Karen Waldron (Université de Montréal), with Oliver Fiehn, Elaine Holmes, Stephen Rappaport, David Sinton, and Jean-Louis Viovy as Plenary Speakers.

Conference Program

The Conference Program can be downloaded here: MSB2016 Conference Program.


The following Awards have been attributed during MSB 2016:


Arnold O. Beckman Award

Prof. Bohuslav Gaš, dean of the Faculty of Science at the Charles University in Prague. More information on Prof. Gas’ scientific journey can be found on the Awards page!


CASSS Travel Grant Recipients

Gábor Járvás, University of Pannonia (Hungary)
Takayuki Kawai, Quantitative Biology Center, RIKEN (Japan)
Saara Mikkonen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
Anna Tycova, Institute of Analytical Chemistry (Czech Republic)
Stephen Groskreutz, University of Pittsburgh (USA)
Zuqin Xue, University at Buffalo (USA)


Poster Awards

Sven Kochmann, York University (Canada)
Feriel Melaine, McGill University (Canada)
Nicolas Drouin, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Nazmul Alam, University of Waterloo (Canada)


3-Minute Talk Awards

Micelle Saoi, McMaster University (Canada)
Ana Sanches-Silva, National Institute of Health (Portugal)
Catherine Perrin, Université de Montpellier (France)