Prof. Barry L. Karger of the Barnett Institute of the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department at Northeastern University in Boston was presented with the 2014 Arnold O. Beckman Award and Medal for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Electrodriven Separations during the 30th International Symposium on MicroScale Bioseparations and Analyses in Pecs, Hungary.
Professor Karger is one of the greatest separation scientists as demonstrated by his numerous groundbreaking contributions to his craft. No doubt, his nomination and selection was based on his outstanding contribution to electrophoresis and microscale bioseparations as demonstrated with hundreds of his publications concerning investigations of separation principles in capillary electrophoresis and micro/nano HPLC as well as with their application to bioanalysis of peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids. For example, the fundamental work on capillary electrophoresis performed under his leadership led to the development of high-resolution DNA separations with gel filled capillaries. This technique then became one of the very important cornerstones enabling deciphering of the human genome. He is also credited for the studies leading to understanding the essentials of reverse phase chromatography of proteins that was critical for development of bioseparation science and its broad application in pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry.