Welcome to the Society for Microscale Separations and Bionalysis website!
The Society for Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis (SMSB) is committed to promoting the development and applications of microscale separations. Microscale separations enable high-throughput and/or high-performance analyses at reduced costs and with a lower sample and solvent consumption, being therefore highly competitive analytical approaches in today's research, including fundamental studies, drug discovery and development, clinical and forensic toxicology, food analysis, and -omics approaches.
The Society, an independent and non-profit organization
The SMSB is an independent, non-profit organization, governed by a Board of Directors. It serves a community of researchers working in a large diversity of fields focusing on the development or the applications of microscale separation techniques, who gather once per year at the International Symposium of Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis (MSB).
Read more on our mission and our specific objectives here.
International Symposia of Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis (MSB)
The MSB symposia encourage stimulating presentations and vigorous scientific discussions among participants, guided by committed and engaged session Chairs, thanks to a specific philosophy that governs all symposia. Our motto?
"Anyone submitting a scientifically strong abstract may be accepted for oral presentation at an MSB symposium"
The symposia foster diversity and create a high-quality program by using a double-blind peer-review process of submitted abstracts while having a reduced number of invited speakers. They also offer an excellent podium to young scientists and students to present their results.
How to navigate in this website?
Are you a member of the MSB community? Have you already attended multiple MSB conferences or is this the first time you hear about MSB?
On this website, you will find the detailed mission of the SMSB, the vision and tasks of the Board of Directors, the philosophy behind each MSB symposium, a historical description of the MSB series, its evolution throughout the years, information on current and future MSB symposia, as well as the list of the last awardees for the Arnold O. Beckman and SCIEX Microscale Separations Innovation Medals.
Are you the Chair of a future MSB symposium? Contact the Board of Directors to have access to the Repository information.
You have a question or a comment? Feel free to contact the Board of Directors!
SMSB Board of Directors
Who are the current members of the SMSB Board of Directors and what are their tasks?
SMSB Board of DirectorsMSB symposia
Where our community members gather once per year to discuss novel and mostly unpublished results
Philosophy of the MSB symposiaPast Venues and Symposium Chairs
The symposium has been already held in more than 30 meetings locations throughout North America, Europe and Asia.
Conference Dates and LocationsAwards
Read more on the Arnold O. Beckman Medal and the SCIEX Microscale Separations Innovation Medal.
Arnold O. Beckman Medal and SCIEX Microscale Separations Innovation MedalMSB2024 | 40th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis
May 19-22, 2024 • Brno, Czech Republic
The 40th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis will take place May 19-22, 2024 at the Hotel Continental in Brno, Czech Republic. The symposium is organized by Frantisek FORET, Jana LAVICKA, Jan PRIKRYL and Petr KUBAN from the Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno.
Stay tuned by regularly checking the official MSB2024 website!
More information on the key dates here.